This is the same treble by-pass filter circuit
or Tone Saver Fender® is installing in their
2017 American
Professional SSS Strat under part
#770-6416-049. Ours are made
with high-quality individual components as opposed to
Fender's encapsulated version. This filter kit is
also referred to as a "treble bleed
circuit". Our filter kit is about $20 less than
The treble by-pass filter helps maintain the
high end treble response in your tone when you
turn down the volume control. Typically
you will roll down your volume on the guitar to
reduce gain and with this filter installed your
tone will retain its treble no matter where the
volume is set. No longer does your tone
have to get muddy when you roll down the volume.
For our kit's components we have selected Vishay
ceramic disc capacitors and Xicon resistors.
Our kits are already pre-assembled with each of
the three components and is ready for you to solder this treble
by-pass filter to the center and outside lug of
your guitar's volume potentiometer, see
illustration below for details.
Due to
the small size of the components in this kit, it
is recommended to use heat
sink alligator clips to help dissipate heat
from the soldering iron to prevent damage to the
We shrink tubing insulate the two hookup leads
insulating the 20K resistor on the one lead and
equally shrink tubing insulate down the other
lead to the point where both leads get connected
to the volume potentiometer, this will prevent
unwanted contact with other components creating
a short circuit.
All 3 components in this filter kit are
pre-soldered together and the connection leads
are partially shrink tubing insulated. If you do
not wish for us to pre-assemble this filter kit
simply ask us for the bare components, pricing
is the same. Price: $15.00
Per Each Kit
Installation instructions are not included
additionally with this kit. All instructions are
provided on this item page, see illustration /
instructions to the right for how to orientate /
install this filter kit correctly.

Install the treble by-pass filter as shown
above. On the two leads from the capacitor
you will notice one is thinner, this is the side
with the 20K resistor and will connect to the
side of the volume potentiometer that has the
wire from the selector switch.